Curriculum Development


Outline of the course:

I. Styles of Curriculum Theorising

  1. The Discipline style
  2. The Analytic Style
  3. The Humanistic Style
  4. The Futuristic style

II. Practical Curriculum Study

  1. Course Planning
  2. The Content of the Curriculum
  3. Analysing and Evaluating the Curriculum
  4. The Control of the Curriculum

III. Theory into Practice

  1. Early Perspectives in the Curriculum
  2. The New Education and the curriculum
  3. The Role of the Teacher
  4. The Role of the Supervisor
  5. Mode of Assessment

1. Group Discussion
2. Presentations/seminars


 Barnes, Douglas (1982). Practical Curriculum Study. London Routledge and Kagan Paul

Orlosky, Donald E and Smith, B. Othanel (1978). Curricuum Development: Issues and Insights. Chicago: Rand McNally College publishing Company

Tanner, Daniel and Tanner Laurel ((1980). Curriculum Development: Theory into Practice. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co. Inc.

Course Coordinator: